Wassenaar, 31 July 2013 — Dear teachers, parents, guardians, students and our stakeholders, here is the link for the new timetable for 2013/2014 academic year which is effective as from 12 August 2013. Thank you.
Wassenaar, 31 July 2013 — Dear teachers, parents, guardians, students and our stakeholders, here is the link for the new timetable for 2013/2014 academic year which is effective as from 12 August 2013. Thank you.
Kepada Yth. Orang tua/Wali dan peserta UN/UASBN 2010,
Bersama ini dengan hormat kami sampaikan Jadwal Pra-UN/UASBN 2010, yang akan berlangsung tanggal 1-5 Maret 2010 untuk peserta SMA, 1-4 Maret 2010 untuk peserta SMP, dan 1-3 Maret 2010 untuk peserta SD (UASBN).More