About SIDH

gedung sekolah1. Brief History and Status

Sekolah Indonesia Den Haag (SIDH, Indonesian School of The Hague) was set up in The Hague, on 15 June 1965. At that time, the school was located at the Violenweg 13, The Hague. It was formally inaugurated by the then His Excellency Ambassador, Mr. Soedjarwo Tjondronegoro,which took place at the Rijksstraatweg 679, 2245 CB, Wassenaar on 17 August 1965. The Committee for Indonesian School and Culture (Badan Usaha Sekolah dan Budaya Indonesia, or BASUKI) was assigned to carry out the preparation for the establishment. Based on the Decision of the Minister of Education and Culture on 15 August 1995, the name of Sekolah Indonesia di Nederland (SIN) was converted to Sekolah Kedutaan Republik Indonesia di Wassenaar. After a few years, the name was returned to Sekolah Indonesia Nederland and since August 2015 reconverted to its first name: Sekolah Indonesia Den Haag.

Then the BASUKI was replaced by the Advisory Body of Indonesian School and Culture (Badan Pembina Sekolah dan Kebudayaan Indonesia, or BPSKI). Considering the more important role of SIN, in 1972, BPSKI was changed to the Advisory Body of Indonesian School (Badan Pembina Sekolah Indonesia, or BPSI), and from 1993 until 2012 BPSI has been chaired (ex-officio) by the Deputy Head of Mission of the Republic of Indonesia Embassy in The Hague.

At the beginning of its foundation, SIDH status had been a privately-assisted institution. Then in 1981, based on the Joint Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture and Minister of Foreign Affairs No. 191/81/01 and 051/U/1981 of 22 January 1981 concerning the Guidelines for the Management of Indonesian Schools Abroad, SIDH was regarded as a private school. The current legal instrument that regulates this school is the Joint Regulation between Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education and Culture No. 07 of 2015 and 1 of 2015.

Unique to its private status as an Indonesian school in foreign country, SIDH in funded by the Indonesian Government and has been allowed to administer national final examination similar to the privilege given to the public schools in Indonesia. And since 9 September 2011 is recognised as a ‘foreign school’ by Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.  In 2016 SIDH was re-accredited by the Indonesian National Accreditation Board for Schools and Madrasahs (BAN S-M) with ‘A’ for all levels which reflected an improvement from the 2011 accreditation.

2. Vision, Mission and Objectives

2.1. Vision

“Indonesian values, International standards”

2.2. Mission

  • To provide quality education services for Indonesian children in The Netherlands and Europe;
  • To cater programmes and activities that ensure the observance of religious life and Indonesian values;
  • To boost the competence and professionalism of the teaching and non-teaching staff;
  • To establish cooperation with foreign and international schools in The Netherlands and beyond;
  • To organise cultural publication and diplomacy activities to Dutch and international communities in The Netherlands and Europe.

2.3. School Objectives

  • 60% of graduates will achieve the minimum cumulative average grades of 8.00;
  • The rate of graduates admitted to the world’s accredited higher education institutions will be at least 80%;
  • 60% of graduates will pass internationally certified examinations (either NT2, TOEFL, or IGCSE);
  • Cooperation programmes with foreign and international schools in The Netherlands and beyond will materialise;
  • Having students who attain outstanding achievement both in academic and non-academic competitions organised in Indonesia, The Netherlands and beyond;
  • Improvement of education service quality and school management will be sustainable;
  • Cultural promotion and diplomacy activities to Dutch and international communities in The Netherlands and Europe will be more productive.

3. Educational Level and Curriculum

3.1. Educational Level

SIDH provides education programmes on 3 levels of education: (1). Elementary School (SD: Decree of Director General Dikdasmen No. 018/C/Kep/1983: AC 0501101, 6 year-primary education from the age of 6/7), (2). Junior Secondary School (SMP: AC 0301201, 3-year-lower secondary education), and (3). Senior High School (SMA: AC 0201401, 3-year-upper secondary education) which is divided into 2 majors: Natural Science Programme and Social Science Programme.

SIDH’s Senior High School diplomas gives the holders the rights to be admitted to pursue undergraduate programmes at any universities in Indonesia. Most graduates and almuni who returned to Indonesia continued their undergraduate and graduate education at favourite universities such as the University of Indonesia, University of Gadjah Mada, Bandung Institute of Technology, University of Padjadjaran, University of Airlangga, University of Brawijaya, University of Diponegoro, University of Trisakti, etc. Those who decided to further their study at European and Asian universities have been accepted at Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Groningen, Technology University of Delft, University of Twente, Catholic University of Leuven, University of London, South China University of Technology, and various polytechnics.

In addition to regular education (in campus), SIDH also implements Distance Learning Program conducted with the guidance of online learning. The distance learning program is intended for elementary school students who abode outside the Haaglanden and The Netherlands.

3.2. Curriculum

SIDH fully implements the system and national curriculum standards (known as KTSP) with local contents such as the compulsory Dutch language and competency in several modern foreign languages besides English: French, German, Arabic, Spanish and Mandarin. SIDH has been providing counselling and assistance to students in NT2 (for students who opt to take tertiary degrees using Dutch as the language of instruction), TOEFL and IELTS (English as tertiary language of instruction) preparation.

4. Academic Year, School Days and Holidays

4.1. Academic Year

The academic year commences in July and ends in June.

4.5. School Days and Holidays

School days are from Monday to Friday, and the school-time starts at 09.00 and ends at 16.00 CET.

School holidays are arranged according to Indonesian academic calendar, yet with adjustment to the situation in The Netherlands. That also applies to public holidays.

5. Students, Teachers, and Alumni

5.1. Students

At the moment, the majority of SIDH students are children of Indonesian diasporas in The Netherlands and beyond, and the rest are the children of Indonesian diplomats in The Netherlands and Europe. Thus the number of students at all times will fluctuate.

5.2. Teachers

Teachers at SIDH are experienced and competent in their respective fields. Most of them are holders of master degrees, and one doctorate. Our teachers have the ability to teach in multi-level classes and multi-subjects.

5.3. Alumni

SIDH has enjoyed the privilege to involve in shaping the future of our students and alumni who most of them have been successful in their career. SIDH has even contributed an alumna to become the Minister for Industry and Trade, Rini M.S. Suwandi (2001-2004). She was the first woman to head the Ministry along Indonesian history.

Then an Indonesian singer and songwriter, Vina Panduwinata had the chance to experience her school days at SIDH. Many diplomats, high-fliers at government or non-government organisations, businessmen and entrepreneurs, and those who are active in various walks of life in Indonesia and beyond, had benefited from a certain period of their education at our school.

6. Facility

  • SIDH Wassenaar occupies its own building on an area of ± 10,000 m2, owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, located in an elite area that is the Wassenaar Municipality, about 6 km from the international city of The Hague;
  • The classroom is ICT-based, with computer room, library, music room, traditional musical instruments of gamelan, staff and administration rooms; small prayer room, sports fields, auditorium, and cafeteria;
  • Computer lab that can be used for students to learn which is wirelessly connected to broadband internet;
  • Laboratory of science and multimedia;
  • Students Dormitory (capacity for 18 students), in a separate building about 300 meters from the campus in the Wassenaar elite neighbourhood.

7. Extracurricular

Extracurricular activities include: (1) sports: basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, (2) music and art: gamelan, bands, traditional and national dance; (3) international: active participation in the annual activity THIMUN (The Hague International Model United Nations) that the UN simulation played by middle school students from around the world; and (4) scouting.

8. Management and Funding

On daily basis SIDH is managed by its Management Team, supervised and patronised by the BPSI, and technically supervised by the Attaché of Education and Culture which both come under the ambit of the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague. This chain of management is then upwardly extended to the ministerial levels in Jakarta through the Joint Decree No. 191/81/01 and No. 0151/U 1981 of 2 January 1981 and currently by the Joint Regulation between Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education and Culture No. 07 of 2015 and 1 of 2015.

This school is funded by the Indonesian Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education and Culture, and small fraction of parents’ financial contribution and donation.

9. Advantages and Prospects of SIDH as an International School

For the national standardisation, a graduate of SIDH always welcomed in selection for admission and study at leading universities in Indonesia, either through program of SBMPTN (written examination for university admission), or PMDK (administrative selection based on academic potential, talent and interest);

In the perspective of graduate recognition, SIDH graduates can be admitted directly to hogeschools and universities in The Netherlands particularly at non-technical universities;

Most subjects have been using English and Dutch as the language of instruction so that in general students are mastering two foreign languages well besides Indonesian as a language of national pride;

SIDH also potentially to be developed as a base/facilitator/laboratory for selected teachers from Indonesia to get training/expose experience in Dutch schools and internationally in Europe (International Teachers Training Laboratory) based in the Netherlands, and as a pilot project development of the Indonesian International School, as a manifestation of the mandate of the people through Law No. 20/2003 on National Education System to provide international quality education in various regions in each level;

SIDH also continues to expand cooperation and partnership with the Dutch and international educational institutions, especially in The Hague that is empowering, as well as with communities and relevant stakeholders.

10. Achievements

10.1. Academic Achievements

Academic achievement has been made, among others:

  • Graduation rate for all levels of education, from elementary to high school since 2002, has been always 100%, with standard values of subjects that are tested nationally in the category B and A;
  • SIN graduates pursue graduate studies at most universities in Indonesia, either through regular test called SBMPTN or through individual student’s achievement program called PMDK such as the University of Padjadjaran, University of Diponegoro, Institut Pertanian Bogor, University of Trisakti, etc.;
  • Some graduates who decided to study abroad have been accepted at the University of Leiden, University of Utrecht, Delft Technical University, Haagse Hogeschool, Hogeschool InHolland (Amsterdam/Diemen), Hogeschool Breda, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and SOAS at University of London, Erasmus University, etc.;
  • Contest Winner of Story-Telling, secondary school level, in the annual event of Apresiasi SILN in Yogyakarta, 2008;
  • Contest Winner of Story-Telling, high school level, in the annual event of Apresiasi SILN  in Yogyakarta, 2008;
  • Second place in Learning Media Innovation Contest for Teachers of SILN in Kuala Lumpur, 2007.

10.2. Non-Academic Achievements

While non-academic achievements that have been achieved include:

  • Delegation of SIDH Wassenaar always participates in the annual international conference of The Hague International Model of United Nations (THIMUN), a trial model of the United Nations (UN), joined by about 4,000 participants from all secondary schools from around the world;
  • The team of Paskibra (Colour Guards) in Celebration of Independence Day every 17 August in The Netherlands;
  • Information service and public transparency in the form of school website is the most updated and well maintained throughout SILN (http://sekolahindonesia.nl)

11. Promotion of Cultural Achievement and Indonesian Language in the Netherlands

  • In addition to academic and non-academic achievement, SIDH also has implemented programs and activities which are aspects of cultural promotion and Indonesian language in Dutch and European society, which among other include:
  • Indonesian Course for the Netherlands and Indonesian in cooperation with the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague and Ministry of Education. Course Group I was conducted October 24, 2009 through January 30, 2010 which was attended by 50 participants/still ongoing;
  • Traditional dance performances by students in the launch of the Palapa Stichting (The Association of Indonesian Professionals in the Netherlands), 2009;
  • Sport game (2008) and cultural promotion (2010) with France at the Hague School (Lycée Vincent van Gogh, The Hague)
  • Performing table tennis game with ‘Table Tennis Club de Lenig’, Wassenaar, 2007;
  • Gamelan Exhibition Team of SIN Wassenaar in Queen’s Anniversary of the Netherlands (Koningennedag) at Gemeente Wassenaar, 30 April 2007 and the Dutch community who are members of the Wassenaar Rozenstein golf club, 25 August 2010;
  • Gamelan and Balinese dance performance at the Indonesian Cultural Night, TU Delft, 2009
  • Traditional Indonesian dance performance during the Haagse Brug programme, The Hague International City of Peace and Justice (cooperating with The Hague Municipality), 2011
  • Traditional Indonesian dance and musical performance at the Pasar Malam Indonesia, The Hague, 2012
  • Participating in the gamelan workshop at the Pasar Malam Indonesia, The Hague, 2013


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